How it works

Profile yourself

Profile yourself

Tell ScubaScubaDoo your swimming skills, your equipment and which is your passion. Do you like snorkeling, sailing, scuba diving or you simply love to have a walk on the shore? Do you wear a swim-suite or a wet-suite? Do you have a OWD certification?

Define an area on the map

Define an area on the map

Geolocate yourself or define an area on the map. ScubaScubaDoo allows you to select the right place for your marine experience comfortably sitting on your sofa or at your destination.

Do whatever you like

Do whatever you like

Using provided information our app will find the right place for you and your passion. No matter if you want to go sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling or just having some fun with your family enjoying the hidden treasures of seas or stunnings panoramas

Copernicus Accelerator